高校(1 年生)時代の交換日記から
Ted: 1951 年 12 月 18 日(火)曇り[つづき]
自分の席で書記の役をしていた Purse が、「こんなことをいって、先生に悪いかもしれませんが」を数回口にして何かいったが、要するにどういうことなのか少しも分らなかった。彼女の発言が終わるやいなや、 Yotch とぼくが並んで同時に挙手をした。後に回されたぼくは、「不十分だった検討、行き届かなかった計画・準備などが、行なおうとしたことを不完全に終わらせ、あるいは、行なえばよかったことを否決させたのだろう…」と、簡明な代りに十分ではない、しめくくりのような発言をした。
A wonderful thing was happening by the brazier of the 12th room (braziers have been used since yesterday in our school). What a wonderful sight it was! There, Vicky in a black overcoat was sitting, facing a rather naughty boy of the nickname Dove. They looked like whispering. They were really talking something. It seemed that Vicky was feeling curiosity and having strangely calm mind and admonitory attitude to Dove.
After lessons, we, members of the newspaper club, gathered in the editorial room to edit the next issue of the school paper. Editorial work was mostly done by the members of the second-year class. So, we, the members of the first-year class, were only watching how they counted the numbers of lines of manuscripts and how they arranged the manuscripts on pages.
Ted: 1951 年 12 月 18 日(火)曇り[つづき]
自分の席で書記の役をしていた Purse が、「こんなことをいって、先生に悪いかもしれませんが」を数回口にして何かいったが、要するにどういうことなのか少しも分らなかった。彼女の発言が終わるやいなや、 Yotch とぼくが並んで同時に挙手をした。後に回されたぼくは、「不十分だった検討、行き届かなかった計画・準備などが、行なおうとしたことを不完全に終わらせ、あるいは、行なえばよかったことを否決させたのだろう…」と、簡明な代りに十分ではない、しめくくりのような発言をした。
A wonderful thing was happening by the brazier of the 12th room (braziers have been used since yesterday in our school). What a wonderful sight it was! There, Vicky in a black overcoat was sitting, facing a rather naughty boy of the nickname Dove. They looked like whispering. They were really talking something. It seemed that Vicky was feeling curiosity and having strangely calm mind and admonitory attitude to Dove.
After lessons, we, members of the newspaper club, gathered in the editorial room to edit the next issue of the school paper. Editorial work was mostly done by the members of the second-year class. So, we, the members of the first-year class, were only watching how they counted the numbers of lines of manuscripts and how they arranged the manuscripts on pages.
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