高校(1 年生)時代の交換日記から
Ted: 1951 年 12 月 14 日(金)曇り時々雨
第二放送、午後六時からの「英語の勉強の仕方」を聞かなかったかい? 北島先生は、"A big black bug bit a big black bear." とか、やたらに "I say" の出て来る文章とか、面白いことも話したね。松本先生は、初めから愉快な話しぶりで、「相手が日本語で話しても、英語で聞くようにする。頭で暗算する」とか、「英語の勉強をするためにアメリカの映画を見る。夢に出て来る人も英語を話す」とか、「目に入るものを片っ端から英語に変える」とかいったね。
The final game of the debate contest of our school was held during the assembly time. The problem given was "What the student council should be." The game was fought between the home-17 team and the home-24 team. The latter insisted the importance of the independence of the student council from teachers and parents; and the former, consisting of a girl and two boys of the nicknames Iro and Kassho, stated that the student council was one of study activities. The points of the argument given by the home-17 team were abstract, but those given by the other team was concrete. The judge, Mr. Hisada, told us that the home-24 team had won the game by the score of 10 to 7.(注 1)
Ted: 1951 年 12 月 14 日(金)曇り時々雨
第二放送、午後六時からの「英語の勉強の仕方」を聞かなかったかい? 北島先生は、"A big black bug bit a big black bear." とか、やたらに "I say" の出て来る文章とか、面白いことも話したね。松本先生は、初めから愉快な話しぶりで、「相手が日本語で話しても、英語で聞くようにする。頭で暗算する」とか、「英語の勉強をするためにアメリカの映画を見る。夢に出て来る人も英語を話す」とか、「目に入るものを片っ端から英語に変える」とかいったね。
The final game of the debate contest of our school was held during the assembly time. The problem given was "What the student council should be." The game was fought between the home-17 team and the home-24 team. The latter insisted the importance of the independence of the student council from teachers and parents; and the former, consisting of a girl and two boys of the nicknames Iro and Kassho, stated that the student council was one of study activities. The points of the argument given by the home-17 team were abstract, but those given by the other team was concrete. The judge, Mr. Hisada, told us that the home-24 team had won the game by the score of 10 to 7.(注 1)
- 当時は苦労して書いたようだが、いま読むと下手なところが目立ち、いくらか手を加えた。
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